Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame

Federal Canadian Riding - Central Newfoundland Our geographically expansive riding with just under 80K residents, covers from Fleur de Lys in the North West to Benton in the East, to the communities of Seal Cove and Harbour Breton in the South, with the anchor service centres of Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor in between. A century ago schooners (NL Bankers) were the medium of commercial transport, today a large network of roads and even three ferries connect all communities, yet there remains a large demand on small craft harbours.

Since the mid-1800s, the resource economy has been the main economic driver, encompassing fishing agriculture, forestry, and mining. The direct and indirect importance of the Fishery across so many of the Riding’s communities, underscores its continued economic, cultural, and recreational importance. In recent years, fishing has expanded to include aquaculture, especially in the coves and bays of Green Bay and Coast of Bays. In the late 1880s, the Baie Verte and Green Bay areas led the initial NL mining rush with copper, followed by Buchans in the 1900s, and today, the discoveries of large gold formations across Central NL, is setting the conditions for significant mining related employment.

From the varied resource exports, today new economic opportunities is emerging with Tourism. From the Fogo Island Inn, to whale and iceberg watching, to craft breweries, to numerous hiking trails, Central NL is being re-discoverered by those from away.

In the Riding, Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor provide regional hospital and college services, while the Towns of Baie Verte, Springdale, Harbour Breton, Botwood, Lewisporte, and Twillingate provide local service support. Since the north coast of NL is on Canada’s eastern front, defence and security is centred in the Riding at 9 Wing Gander and at the Gander International Airport.

One of the greatest exports this Riding has generated over the past two centuries has been its people. Today, rotational work allows many to remain in the Riding. Most honourably, from both World Wars to a myriad of Canadian Armed Forces operations, residents from every community in our Riding have served Canada.


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